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1 Jun 2015

Meatless Monday. | Vegan Chocolate 'PB' Mug Cake

So, it's not exactly the healthiest of them all but it sure is one for the cravings! (Not to mention, it takes about 3 minutes start to finish and provides a near instant, mouth watering, tummy warming gratification). I'm talking warm and gooey, vegan mug-cake y'all.


Cocoa Powder (2 tablespoons)
Powdered Peanut Butter (3 tablespoons)
Salt (1/16 teaspoon)
Sugar (1 tablespoon)
Baking Powder (1/4 teaspoon)
Carob Chips (small handful/to preference)
Coconut or Vegetable Oil (2 teaspoons) / Banana or Applesauce
Almond Milk (3 tablespoons) / Milk of your choice
Vanilla Extract (1/4 teaspoon)

Substitution Options:

Coconut/Vegetable Oil – can be substituted with 1/3 mashed banana or applesauce for a more fat free option, personally prefer the oil additive.

Almond Milk – can be substituted with any milk product of your choice, ie: skimmed milk, 1-2%, half and half, or cream for vegetarian but non vegan results or rice milk for vegan dieters.

Powdered Peanut Butter – can be substituted with legitimate, roof of the mouth lickin’, creamy peanut butter (my personal preference by FAR).

Carob Chips – can be substituted for any flavour or variation of milk based chocolate chips.


Combine and mix all dry ingredients, be sure to mix as well as possible (even sift together). Add liquid ingredients, as well as slightly melted peanut butter and carob chips, continuing to stir (well) again before transferring into mug of your choice. Place mixture filled cup in the microwave and microwave on high for 1 minute 30 seconds. Sprinkle with toppings of desire, ie: crushed nut peices, vegan carob chips or chocolate chips, even whipped topping once cooled. Be sure to let stand for another minute after heating and be careful as both "cake" and mug can be extremely hot.

Enjoy this little indulgence or save the idea for a rainy day. Be sure to share if or when you do choose this quick and easy guilt, or better yet, grab a second mug and call this little preggo over.

Happy Monday!
XO, V.

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